Wrapped Ski
641/2 40-60 Kilos
651/2 55-75 Kilos.
661/2 70-90 Kilos.
671/2 80-100 Kilos.
681/2 90-120 Kilos.
Wrapped Ski
“I have been working together for more than 3 years now with Savvas Panteli owner and designer for SP Skis from Cyprus In Europe. Our latest Align 2020 is a combined designed effort,. This ski has a narrower fore body with rounder bevels for 2019, as compared to our 2017-2018 models.
The 2020 design allows an easier, MORE fluid edge change for a broader range of skier levels. In addition we have created a longer flat spot starting further forward on the ski, this helps the ski to create easier acceleration and speed across course, whilst remain stable and smooth in the transition.
The unique shaped and flex of the ski, is designed to give incredible turning capabilities even at high speed.
Our one by one handcrafted bottom surface of the ski adds addition speed not found in automated mould finished skis.”

Jodi Fisher
I have invested 30 years of experience into the design of this ski. Built for every skier from the novice to the top competitor.